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 Song a Song of Sixpence
 Mary had a little lamb
 Take Me Out To The Ball Game
 There was an old woman who lived in a shoe
 To market To market
 Row, Row, Row Your Boat
 Round and Round the Garden
 Wee Willie Winkie
 Three Blind Mice
 Ring-a-Ring o' roses(Ring around the rosie)
 There was an old woman lived in a shoe
 Solomon Grundy
 Wee Willie Winkie
 Thirty Days Hath September
 TheEency Weency Spider
 Ride a cock-horse to Banbury Cross
 Wee Willie Winkie
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Song a Song of Sixpence

Sing a song of sixpence, a pocket full of rye;
Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie.
When the pie was opened, the birds began to sing;
Was not that a dainty dish to set before the king?
The King was in his countinghouse, counting out his money;
The Queen was in the parlor eating bread and honey.
The maid was in the garden, hanging out the clothes;
When along came a blackbird and snipped off her nose!

ジュッピー Sing a Song of Sixpence にちなむ鳥料理のレシピです!いかがですか?
Preparing the Bird for the Pie
You should use a stewing fowl, but I don't!
Find a tender roasting chicken of 3 to 4 lbs., simmered for about forty five minutes to an hour.
The meat is tender and juicy, and Cut it in fairly big chunks.
The meat has better flavor, too.
The broth is not quite as tasty as from a fowl, but Reduce it (cook it down) with the bones to concentrate the flavor.
Besides, the roasters are often on sale, and are always available, but I rarely see fowl in the meat case these days.
When big Perdue Roasters are on sale for under a dollar a pound,
Don't hesitate to use one of them, as the yield is phenomenal.
Of course, it is too much for one meal, so I freeze half the meat in the broth without thickening it.
Then when I need a quick meal, I thaw it out, cook fresh vegetables in the broth, and proceed as usual.
When I'm doing this, I make a double recipe of pie dough and freeze half with the chicken.
I take them out of the freezer the day before, and thaw them in the refrigerator.
It's my rainy day kit. Chicken Pot Pie wins my vote for an easy to make meal.
First I quarter the bird, and soak it in cold salted water, and then rinse it well.
I use a pot that will fit the bird fairly snugly, and put the peeled and cut carrots, peeled celery, onion (white pearl onions for fancy), and parsnip on the bottom.
Then I add the quarters, and some stalks of dill and parsley, crushed peppercorns, and a bay leaf, and just cover them all with cold water.
Bring that to a boil, and as soon as it boils. Cut back to a simmer and begin to skim.
To tell if the chicken is done, remove a leg and thigh to a plate, and pierce it at the leg joint.
The fluid should be clear with no trace of pink.
The leg muscle will separate into two parts very easily.
When it is done, remove the chicken and vegetables, and put the pot back on the fire.
Take the skin off the chicken, and save it for grinding it into chopped liver, or feed it to the cat who has been rubbing against your leg begging for a treat.
The skin is also good for grinding into chicken croquettes.
My little black poodle got the skin today.
Remove the meat from the bones, and toss the bones back into the reducing chicken stock.
Dice the meat rather large, and combine it with the cooked veggies.
Add frozen peas to this mix, in their frozen state.
This way, they don't over cook and turn out a cheerful bright green.
Strain the broth and let it stand, so that you can remove the golden chicken fat from the top.
For best flavor, I like to use the chicken fat to make a roux to thicken the broth into a veloute, and then season it with salt and white pepper.
It never ceases to amaze me how much salt chicken stock needs.
When you have made the sauce and seasoned it, add the diced chicken and vegetables and heat it all up.
Add some fresh snipped dill, if you like it, and serve it under (or over) a crisp pie crust.
You can use your regular pie dough with butter, just use a little more butter than usual, especially if you are going to lay the pie dough on top, and bake it all in the oven at 425 degrees F.
When the sauce bubbles and the crust is golden it is done.
きいろフムフム君blackbirdは普通はクロツグミと訳されていますが、クロツグミ(Turdus cardis)は東アジアにしか生息しません。辞書にはblackbirdは「ヨーロッパ産のクロウタドリ、またはアメリカ産のムクドリモドキ」と載っています。クロウタドリ(Turdus merula)はヨーロッパ、アフリカ、中東、南アジアなどに広く分布している鳥で、やはりツグミの仲間です。ビートルズの歌の中にも「blackbird」という美しい歌があります。この歌の中にきこえる鳥の鳴き声がクロウタドリのようです。
きいろフムフム君黒鳥のパイをローラもたべた.ローラもマザーグースを唄った.  「大草原の小さな家」のローラ。彼女もマザーグースの絵本を読み、唄を歌い育った。Food and Meals in Laura's Little Houses (高木誠一郎編、篠崎書林)に入っている第14章 "Blackbird Pie"にこんな場面がある。 She (Ma) opened the oven door, and took out the tin milk pan. It was full of something covered thickly over with delicately browned biscuit crust. She set it before Pa and he looked at it amazed. "Chicken pie!" "'Sing a song of sixpence--'" said Ma. Laura went on from there, and so did Carrie and Mary and even Grace. A pocket full of rye, Four and twenty blackbirds, Baked in a pie! When the pie was opened The birds began to sing. Was not that a dainty dish To set before the king? お母さんが「6ペンスの唄を歌おう」と始めたら、それを受けてローラ達が、「ポケット一杯のライ麦を・・・」と続けたという場面だ。結局、チキン・パイだと思ったら、中にはblackbirds(黒ツグミ)のやわらかい肉が入っていて、みんな美味しく食べた、と話は続く。開拓時代の生活にマザーグースが自然に生きていた例だろう。

2004 年には、6ペンスの歌LNPカレンダーを作りました。当年1月から3月に小学生Gで各自描いた6ペンスの歌の絵を載せました。春の発表会に参加者全員でこの歌を楽しんだ後、カレンダーを会場で配りました。お家で冷蔵庫に貼って見ていただけたようです。


Song a Song of Sixpence

ジュッピーBlackbird Pieはいかがですか?ブラックベリーを使います。
Blackbird Pie
One envelope plain gelatine powder, unsweetened
1/2 cup Splenda
1/4 teaspoon lemon oil
6 ounces blackberries, fresh
16 ounces cream cheese, softened
*Mix Splenda and berries, breaking berries, and let sit for 1/2 hour.
*Cook berry and Splenda mixture over low heat,stirring almost continuously,
until berries are completely broken and juice is released.
*Force through a narrow mesh sieve (or cheesecloth) to remove seeds. Measure mixture and nuke for 20 seconds.
*Dissolve gelatine in hot berry juice and add enough cold water to bring total liquid to 2/3 cup. Mix in lemon oil.
*Slowly add the cream cheese and beat at slow speed. When all cream cheese has been added,
beat at high speed until smooth.
*Blend in whipped cream, mixing at low speed. Using a spatula, scrape into the pie pan, and spread around.
Chill for at least two hours.
Recipe makes six servings.

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