How are you? Only 1 week left until I go back to Japan!
I look forward to being back but also feel sad. I want to study here longer cos I can do exactly what I want to here. When I was in Japan I\'ve been spending my time just going to University, doing part time job and.... nothing special. Same things were repeated everyday. But since I came here I\'ve been finding a lot of new things and spending valuable time everyday. Also speaking English makes me have confidence. I don\'t want to stop my challenging only at this time so I\'m gonna find a place where I can keep speaking English in Japan not to waste my UK life.
I\'ll send you some pictures of where I visited while I stay in UK.
I\'m going to arrive in Japan on 9th April and coming to Labo party on Saturday. Anyway I\'ll ring you when I\'m back to Japan. Take care n see you soon!
